1. We require 24 hours notice if you are unable to come to your appointment (voicemail, email, call, or text). If proper notice is not given, you will be financially responsible for the wasted time, equal to 50% of the service price. This can be paid by credit card on file or redeeming your gift card. Notice must be given by text to 801-309-8422. Please do not reply to your email reminder messages.
"No contact, no show" guests will be responsible for the session as above and will not be eligible to rebook.
Failure to confirm (or receive reminders) does not cancel your appointment. If you're unsure of your appointment, text us to confirm. To make sure guests are receiving accurate reminders, online booking is mandatory for your first visit. This allows you full control of the contact information.
2. First time guests please arrive 10 minutes early so that traffic, parking, restroom break and our consultation do not take a portion of your appointment time. A customized treatment will give you better results!
3. A deposit or full pre-payment may be required for groups or multi-service reservations. Some treatments are not available for groups. Text for details.
4. Because some medical conditions or situations can spread or become irritated by massage, steam, heat, or essential oils, your therapist has the right to suggest changes to the session or cancel the session, for your safety. If you have questions, you may email the therapist ahead of time or get written approval from your physician. Ultrasonic, Infrared and Microcurrent therapies are not recommended for those with epilepsy, pace makers, metal implants such as bone screws, artificial joints or IUDs, heart conditions, or pregnancy.
5. Please do not bring your children or extra guests to your spa session, since it is time you have set aside to care for yourself, and interruptions will take away from the quality of the session.
6. If you arrive late, or begin late due to questionnaire or restroom break, your session may be shortened to maintain original end time, to ensure that appointments following yours start on time. When this happens, you will be responsible for the full cost of the original appointment length.
7. Please understand that we will not be held responsible for lost or stolen items and we ask that you leave valuable items at home.
8. Our services are NOT sexual. Any inappropriate behavior will result in a canceled session and police involvement.
9. Prepaid packages and gift certificates are nonrefundable, please make sure our spa, schedule and style of treatment is right for you before purchasing. All unused packages expire after one year unless arrangements are made. Any specials or discounted offers are not valid when combined with other special offers, and space is not guaranteed. No substitution requests will be allowed on specials.
10. We sometimes send information or promotions to your email, but we never give your information to anyone else without permission. If you do not wish to receive these, you may click "unsubscribe" at the bottom of the email message. Emails may come from our 2 computer systems, so unsubscribing from one does not automatically unsubscribe from both. Privacy Policy
11. Covid Policies: We no longer require face coverings, but you may opt to wear one if you feel it appropriate. We do not check your vaccination status. Do not come if you have Covid19 symptoms or suspect you have been recently exposed.
*Prices, Business Hours, Specials and policies are subject to change without notice.